Mae interviewed sex educator and burlesque
performer Lorraine Hewitt in Toronto.
In honour of Black History Month, Alyssa Clutterbuck reported on Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, and today's US Supreme Court’s hearings on the matter.
Yalaoui brought us a report on the sexaul assaults and acts of violence
against women in the Tahrir Square protests, as well as on the worldwide day of
action that took place this month calling for an end to the violence.
also welcomed black feminist writer and critic Christiana Collison as
our in-studio guest. Mercedes Bonair interviewed Christiana on
her recent piece “Complicating Space - Safe Space and the Politics of Privilege and Marginality” which was published earlier this month in the
McGill Daily.
Listen to the show here.
We featured an interview from
McGill artist KOSI whose art will be exhibited next Wednesday, February
6th at O Patro Vys.
brought us a report on a story not getting the attention and care it
deserves: The survivors of the “Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children”
have broken their silence and are now suing in a class action suit for
the sexual and physical abuse they suffered, or what one survivor
describes as “torture”
also gave a small comment on President Obama’s second inauguration
and Merlie Evers’ Williams, long-time Civil Rights Activist, who
delivered of the 2013 invocation
also hosted a round-table discussion about recent headlines this
month -- The removal of Kwaanza as proposed by Senator Glen Grothman --
also the controversial film Django Unchained.
Listen to the show here.
Alyssa reported on the Idle No More Movement, a
nationwide grassroots movement to protest the Harper government’s harsh
policies and treatment of First Nations peoples.
We also heard from Mercedes about reality TV and its portrayal of Black men.
Spitfiyah also caught up with D’Bi Young, dub poet and playwright, when she was in town for her show last month.
Alyssa spoke about Republican opposition to the
reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, the main piece of
federal legislation which addresses domestic violence, and what it could
mean for Native Women.